Rwanda marks Int'l Labor Day with emphasis on youth digital skills promotion

health2024-06-03 18:49:0014256

Rwanda marked International Labor Day on Wednesday with an emphasis on promoting digital skills among youth in line with the country's growing digital economy.

More than 200 delegates, including government officials, development partners, and young entrepreneurs, joined the festivities to celebrate the day under the national theme "30 Years: Fostering Youth-Led Employment."

"For the youth, with the right mindset and by tapping into the available opportunities that our country offers, self-employment or getting a job is possible. It is not easy, but it is possible," Abdallah Utumatwishima, Rwandan minister of youth and arts, said at the event.

He stressed the need for collective efforts to prepare young people for the labor market, emphasizing quality education, work-based learning, and support programs, especially for disadvantaged youth.

Utumatwishima pointed out the significant impact of initiatives such as the YouthConnekt Awards and Hanga Pitchfest competitions. He said 85 percent of recipients experienced notable growth in their enterprises, subsequently generating employment opportunities for their peers.

During the celebrations, the government launched an employment promotion month that will focus on boosting decent jobs and enhancing skills for youth in Rwanda's digital economy.

International Labour Day, observed annually on May 1, serves as a reminder of the invaluable contributions of workers and the working class to society. Known as May Day, it is a global occasion to advocate for workers' rights and labor-related issues. 

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